
Can all people end up professors after doing a Ph.D. from IGNOU?

Ph.D. from IGNOU

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the largest open universities internationally, supplying various instructional programs, including Ph.D. Many college students pursue a doctoral degree from IGNOU with the aspiration of becoming professors. However, doing a Ph.D. is simply the first step to turning into a professor. Numerous different elements determine if you could end up a professor after completing your Ph.D. from IGNOU.


Eligibility for a Professorship


To turn out to be a professor after completing a doctoral diploma, one has to fulfill the eligibility standards set by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India. As in step with UGC policies, the minimal qualifications required are:


  • Ph.D. Diploma from a diagnosed university.
  • A minimum of 10 years of teaching experience at the undergraduate and postgraduate tiers.
  • A good instructional file with at least 55% marks at the grasp’s diploma level.
  • At least 10 studies published in peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals.
  • Evidence of guiding Ph.D. students.
  • Meeting the above criteria is vital but does not assure a professor’s ability to function without delay.


Challenges for IGNOU Ph.D. Holders


Pursuing a Ph.D. from IGNOU has certain boundaries about becoming a professor:


Lack of study experience

IGNOU’s Ph.D. program is usually distance-based, with only a few touch-based instructions. This limits entry to lab centers and ok steering from supervisors in comparison to a full-time application. Lack of enough study experience can negatively impact eligibility for a professorship.


Limited book possibilities

Generating excellent research courses with high-impact factor journals is tough without hands-on studies. Less quantity of publications restricts the prospects of coaching at better schooling institutions as a professor.


No teaching enjoy

IGNOU’s Ph.D. is purely research software. Students do not benefit from any coaching experience during their doctoral research, which is a prerequisite for professor positions in universities.


Perception as a distance mode degree

There is a not-unusual notion that the quality of education and studies in distance learning is inferior as compared to complete-time packages. Hence, IGNOU Ph.D. holders might not be taken as critically as applicants from traditional universities.


Ways to Improve Professorship Chances


Here are a few ways an IGNOU Ph.D. The holder can beautify their eligibility and profile to end up a professor:


  • Gain teaching experience by becoming a member of a guest college or an ad hoc lecturer after the Ph.D. final touch.


  • Actively publish study papers in UGC Care-indexed and Scopus-indexed journals from Ph.D. work.


  • Present studies work at reputed meetings to build credentials and networks.


  • Enroll in post-doctoral studies at an identified lab or institute to take advantage of superior study abilities.


  • Join as a research fellow or associate at a great university to enhance your research profile.


  • Register for the UGC-NET examination to have countrywide eligibility for a lectureship.




To summarize, doing a Ph.D. from IGNOU gives you the basic eligibility to become a professor. However, one wishes to overcome the limitations of distance learning by gaining good enough coaching, first-rate courses, and lively study engagement. Building a strong profile through additional schooling and credentials enhances the potential of turning into a professor after an IGNOU Ph.D. With diligence and perseverance, IGNOU doctoral graduates can have successful careers in academics.


Each and every course in IGNOU has Assignments in it for which SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS for IGNOU students is available (solved assignments) which should be in IGNOU HANDWRITTEN ASSIGNMENT ( handwritten assignments ) format. Also for a few courses like Master’s Degree there are IGNOU PROJECT AND SYNOPSIS (project and synopsis) too.


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