How to Submit IGNOU Solved Assignments ?
The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) requires students to submit assignments as a part of their coursework. The procedure for submitting assignments to IGNOU is as follows:
Download the assignment questions: The IGNOU assignment questions for your course can be downloaded from the official website of IGNOU or you can collect them from the study center. Ensure that you have the latest assignment questions and the correct set of questions as per your course.
Complete the IGNOU Solved Assignments: Read the questions carefully and write your answers in your own handwriting. Make sure that your answers are complete, relevant, and to the point. Use only A4-sized white paper and write on one side of the paper. Remember to number the pages and the questions properly.
Prepare the IGNOU Handwritten assignment submission package: Once you have completed your assignments, make sure that you have signed and dated each of the pages. Arrange the pages in order of the questions and keep them in a sequence. Prepare a cover page with your name, enrollment number, address, program code, course code, and study center code. Staple the pages together and attach the cover page to the assignment package.
Submit the assignments: You can submit your assignments in either of the following two ways:
Submit in person: You can submit your assignments in person at your study center. The study center will issue you a receipt as proof of submission. Make sure that you keep the receipt safe as it may be required for future reference
Submit by post: You can also submit your assignments by post. Send the assignment package by registered post or speed post to the concerned evaluation center. Make sure that you send the package well in advance of the last date of submission to avoid any delay.
Check the assignment status: After submitting your assignments, you can check the status of your assignments on the official website of IGNOU. It is recommended that you keep a copy of your assignment package and the receipt of submission for your reference.
In conclusion, submitting assignments is an important part of IGNOU’s coursework. Make sure that you follow the correct procedure and submit your assignments well in advance of the last date of submission to avoid any delay or penalty.