
Score above 60% marks in the IGNOU MA English program

IGNOU's MA English

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers a popular Master of Arts program in English that tests students through written examinations. With careful preparation using the right techniques, one can score above 60% in this IGNOU Post-Admission Assessment course.

Getting admission to IGNOU

Students who want to achieve high marks must first complete admission in the IGNOU MA English program. The process has been digitized, which allows you to login to IGNOU, upload documents, pay fees online, and track status on the portal after securing admission to IGNOU. The program has a well-structured syllabus.

IGNOU Assessment Pattern Analysis

The Master’s course in English has a systematic process of testing students only through written examinations held twice a year. After taking admission to IGNOU, carefully analyze the previous 7 years of written questions across genres to find:

  • Format and types of questions: long answer, short note, essay type
  • Optional availability across sections
  • Prescribed texts are tested more often.
  • Ratio of marks between main and sub-parts in long questions

This assessment after admission to IGNOU will clarify the areas of preparation.

Key preparation strategies for high scores

Here are some top tips to prepare for the IGNOU MA English Excellence 

Understanding texts and contexts:

  • Read all the prescribed poems, dramas, and prose several times thoroughly to understand the meanings and messages after taking admission to IGNOU.
  • Deep Dive: Understand the connections, writing styles, and relevance of key authors.
  • Read critics’ reviews to broaden your horizons.

Solution of previous works:

  • After admission to IGNOU, practice 5 year papers weekly in exam conditions.
  • Analyze solutions; identify your weak and strong areas.
  • Increase the speed and quality of content with constant practice.

Writing effective responses:

  • Practice long answers by interpreting text quotations to improve structuring, analysis, and conclusion skills after completing IGNOU admission.
  • Summarize learnings into short notes for quick review.
  • Review completed answers to correct errors.

Strategic Studies:

  • After admission to IGNOU, I prefer texts with a repetitive appearance for in-depth study.
  • Revise intelligently; don’t try to raid everything.
  • In the IGNOU entrance exam, try familiar questions first.

Score: Boosting exam strategies

Apply these tips while attempting MA in English to further improve your score after admission to IGNOU:

  • Choose questions carefully if there are options; solve those for which you completely know the answers.
  • Carefully highlight the Chief Examiner’s requirement in the questions before answering after admission in IGNOU.
  • Present a structured response with an engaging introduction and a concise conclusion.
  • Support the analysis with relevant citations, critics’ opinions, real-life examples, and point ratios.
  • Neatly cross out the finished parts; if, after admission to IGNOU, you continue to answer in other letters, please give clear headings.
  • Before handing it in, check the paper and make appropriate corrections within the time allowed for the exam.


Scoring more than 60% in IGNOU’s MA English requires rigorous text study, smart preparation practices, and structured exam writing. Follow these result-oriented strategies strictly after getting admission to the IGNOU program. Mastering this mode will help you exceed graded expectations and score high in this largely written-based assessment.

Each and every course in IGNOU has Assignments in it for which SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS for IGNOU students is available (solved assignments) which should be in IGNOU HANDWRITTEN ASSIGNMENT ( handwritten assignments ) format. Also for a few courses like Master’s Degree there are IGNOU PROJECT AND SYNOPSIS (project and synopsis) too.


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