
Will the IGNOU Diploma in Creative Writing Help Aspiring Writers?

IGNOU Diploma in Creative Writing

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers a Diploma in Creative Writing in English program for aspiring writers looking to hone their craft. With modules covering fiction, poetry, writing for media, and more, this course provides comprehensive training in creative writing. However, is gaining admission to this course from IGNOU beneficial for budding authors? This article analyzes the key aspects of the program to determine if it can truly help writers in India develop their skills.

The Structure and Course Content

The Diploma in Creative Writing in the English program at IGNOU spans one year, with admission to IGNOU and coursework spread across two semesters. Some of the subjects covered include short story writing, writing novels, writing for media, poetry, and playwriting, among others. The curriculum helps writers experiment with different genres, forms, and literary techniques systematically. Additionally, renowned authors and faculty guide students through interactive sessions to provide industry perspectives.

Experiential Learning for Admission in IGNOU Applicants  

Unlike conventional literature degrees that focus on theoretical learning, this course provides extensive practical training to IGNOU applicants. From creative assignments and portfolio building to feedback workshops with peers, experiential pedagogy allows aspiring authors to continually hone their writing. Even the final dissertation involves producing a major creative writing project like a novella, poetry collection, or short story cycle. Hands-on learning can make a significant difference in preparing writers for real-world practice.

Developing a Writerly Voice and Style

Gaining admission to the creative writing diploma at IGNOU allows writers to develop a distinct literary voice and writing style. Whether fiction, poetry, drama, or creative non-fiction, writers get the chance to experiment extensively in finding genres and forms that allow their unique perspectives to shine through. The diversity of assessments, from radio show scripts and magazine feature articles to scene writing and travelogues, exposes student writers to a range of tones, formats, and styles. This aids them in producing versatile yet original writing.

Constructive feedback from faculty and peers

Through writers’ workshops with faculty supervisors and peer groups, the course offers continuous constructive feedback on creative writing pieces for those who gain admission to IGNOU. Guidance on plotting, characterization, scene setting, diction, rhythm, and editing provided during interactive discussions can help writers assess their progress. Tracking feedback and reworking successive drafts ultimately supports significant refinement of overall writing abilities. The knowledge of how actual readers perceive one’s literary creations is invaluable.

Exposure to the Publishing Industry

A key aspect of the program involves exposure to the publishing sector for aspiring authors who obtain admission to IGNOU. From copyrighting to commissioning editors, and anthologies to author-publisher relations, various modules prepare writers for effectively presenting and publishing their work. Guidance is provided on typical industry expectations regarding manuscript requirements, submission protocols, dealing with rejection, and marketing promotional events. Such insights into professional writing environments can help ease writers’ entry into the publishing space.

Networking and mentoring opportunities 

A less-discussed benefit of gaining admission to IGNOU for the creative writing diploma is access to networks and mentors. Connecting with peers tackling the same journey can foster lasting writing relationships and future collaboration opportunities within the alumni group. Moreover, encountering visiting faculty who are professional authors, columnists, or publishing veterans provides mentoring avenues to receive sector advice. Developing such personal ties and sources of assistance can boost aspiring authors’ trajectories considerably.

Potential Drawbacks

While the course offers extensive creative writing practice, the theoretical content regarding literary genres and devices seems limited. Some writers may prefer more engagement with seminal texts, critical analysis, and historical movements to inform their writing craft. Additionally, evolved abilities in areas like editing manuscripts, book designing, or self-publishing are not explicitly covered but remain key skills for the 21st-century writer. Students must supplement their learning in such domains through private efforts.


By enabling extensive creative practice, peer review, faculty mentoring, exposure to the publishing process, and networking opportunities, IGNOU’s Diploma in Creative Writing equips aspiring authors with core abilities for carving their literary path. While admission to IGNOU requires applicants to address gaps in theoretical knowledge and publishing competencies through personal initiatives, this program can still hugely benefit writers chasing publishing success. By providing structured oversight and industry perspectives, the course transforms amateur writing enthusiasm into promising authorial trajectories for Indian literary talents seeking admission to IGNOU.


Each and every course in IGNOU has Assignments in it for which SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS for IGNOU students is available (solved assignments) which should be in IGNOU HANDWRITTEN ASSIGNMENT ( handwritten assignments ) format. Also for a few courses like Master’s Degree there are IGNOU PROJECT AND SYNOPSIS (project and synopsis) too.


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